Paulo Coelho
Everything happens for a reason
Det är bara så att jag känner att texten passar sjukt mycket in, iallafall första delen...
When the sky is falling and you're looking round for somewhere to hide
Did you ever call out to someone
Did you ever call out to me, I've never been gone-
I've been right here by your side
There ain't nothin' but clouds
There ain't nothin' but clouds in your eyes
Why don't you believe it when you finally found the truth
You've been drinking poison water from the fountain of youth
Why don't you stop tearing up everyone you need the most
You're so busy trying to get even
You never even try to get close
I can't explain it away
It doesn't make any sense
To know what it's like
I guess you gotta go through it
It doesn't matter baby
Loving you's a dirty job
But somebody's gotta do it
There were times when we'd never fake it
There were times when we'd always make it
There were times when we'd take it to the limit
And we'd never, never, ever leave each other alone
We were flesh and blood and bone
There were times we had it all
There were times we had it all
There were times when we took our chances
There were times we were damn good dancers
There were times when we heard all the answers
In the beating of the drummer and the riches of the rock and the roll
I can see right through your soul
There were times we had it all
There were times we had it all
If your fears could only be forgotten
We could pull all of the barriers down
Would you follow your dreams' desire
Would you follow your secret dreams and forbidden fire
Let's just peel out of this town
It's been nothing but dreams
It's been nothing but dreams until now
You're never gonna see it
You got your head stuck in the sand
It's the land of the free and easy Street
It's the home of the damned
You're never gonna see it
You better open up your eyes
You're the only one who's left-
Who's gonna believe all your lies
I can't explain it away
It doesn't make any sense
To know what it's like
I guess you gotta go through it
It doesn't matter baby
Loving you's a dirty job
But somebody's gotta do it
There were times when our bodies glistened
There were times that we can't stop missing
There were times that we'd lay in bed and listen
To the pounding, pounding [Chorus] of our desperate hearts
Nothing could have torn us apart
There were times we had it all
There were times we had it all
There were times when we fought like tigers
There were times we were damn good liars
There were times we extinguished every fire
That was burning, burning, burning up each other alive
From the heavens on down to the dives
There were times we lost it all we lost it all
There were times we lost it all we lost it all
There were times when we fought like tigers
There were times we were damn good liars
There were times when our bodies glistened
There were times that we can't stop missing
There were times that we'd lay in bed and listen
To the pounding, pounding [Chorus] of our desperate hearts
Nothing could have torn us apart
There were times we had it all
There were times we had it all
Johnny Depp
Always some true quotes
Sad but true
I love u
Kärlek är inte att sova eller ha sex tillsammans.
Kärlek är empati, omsorg, respekt, trohet, att sakna sin partner, rädsla att förlora den, tid för och med varandra, tankar på den du älskar när ni inte är tillsammans och de små kärleksfulla handlingarna varje dag.
Kärlek är nånting man får och måste vårda för att få behålla.
Who protects who?
Sanna små ord. :)
If you wake up, put your hand over your heart & feel it beating... It's called purpose & you're alive for a reason.
Det finns alltid tre sidor av en historia; Din, min och sanningen.
Rolig historia
True story!
I would rather regret the things that I have done than the things that I have not.
In the end
In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.
Hahaha! True story!
Du behöver inte vara död för att vara en ängel.
Det kan du vara i livet- för andra.
Skratta på ni!
“Jaså? Vad har hänt?” frågade bartendern artigt.
Jo, jag träffade en vacker kvinna, som bjöd med mig hem till sig. Vi klädde av oss och hoppade i sängen, och skulle precis börja älska då hennes förbannade man kommer hem. Därför var jag tvungen att hoppa ut genom f...önstret, och hänga på fingertopparna från kanten.”
“Oj, jobbigt!” sade bartendern medlidsamt.
“Precis, men det är inte vad som gjorde mig riktigt upprörd”, fortsatte gästen.
“När hennes man kom in i rummet sade han ‘ Toppen, du är redan naken! Jag ska bara slå en sjua ‘, och jävlar om den late fan inte pissade ut genom fönstret, rätt i huvudet på mig?”
“Uusch!” Bartendern skakade på huvudet. “Inte konstigt att du är på dåligt humör.”
“Ja, men då har du ändå inte hört vad som verkligen, verkligen,irriterade mig. Sedan tvingades jag lyssna på deras stönanden, och då de var färdiga kastade mannen ut sin kondom genom fönstret. Och var landar den? På MIN jävla panna!”
“Fan, det var verkligen för jävligt!” sade bartendern.
“Åh, jag är inte färdig. Du förstår, vad som verkligen gjorde mig förbannad var när mannen behövde skita. Tydligen är deras toalett trasig, så han stack ut röven genom fönstret och släppte lasset rätt i huvudet på mig!”
Bartendern bleknade. “Nåt sånt skulle verkligen sabba min dag.”
“Visst, visst, visst” fortsatte killen upprört, “men vet du som VERKLIGEN, VERKLIGEN, VERKLIGEN gjorde mig förbannad?
Jo, när jag tittade ner, och såg att jag bara hängde en HALVMETER från marken.......